Thanks to Diane, for the title of our First BS lesson at our circle's round table, our Thursday Morning Bible Study.
Scripture: I Samuel 16:7
Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance but The LORD looks at the heart.
Diane had given us 4 reflection points. These are the answers I posted in the comments section of our first BS.
I printed our study materials so that I can read it over and over, and reflect in it.
Thank you Di, for leading us in our circle BS.
1. What is your initial reaction to reading that verse? Is it comforting or not to know that God looks deep within you to your heart therefore He does not judge just on our outward man?
Thank you Di, for leading us in our circle BS.
1. What is your initial reaction to reading that verse? Is it comforting or not to know that God looks deep within you to your heart therefore He does not judge just on our outward man?
> My initial reaction to the verse I Samuel 16:7: is my conversion, I
was a sinner, deeply buried in mud, but Jesus had chosen to pick up from
there.... It is so comforting to me, as I reflect it now, for the first
time, with the above verse.... I used to relate to the road to Damascus
with Paul. Now, even if I am not chosen to be a Ruler, I could very
much be used by God in any service in Church, and He was able to look
inside me, not my sins.... Thank you, Lord, for this another perspective
about how you saw the inner man in me, not the outer actions.
2. Do you want to be known by appearances or by your true inner heart? Why?
2. Do you want to be known by appearances or by your true inner heart? Why?
> No, definitely not. Jokingly, I don't think a lot would love me
(except for my own parents), just by looking at the clay pot..... it has
all the chips and cracks... the paint is badly done, meaning I do not
look physically appealing.... But some people see the character in me,
my heart-capable of love, sensitive to other people's feelings and ready
to give respect. I do like to be "the beauty deeper than the skin
3. Sounds like you and I?
3. Sounds like you and I?
>Yes so much.... I am past questioning why there are a
lot of scandals in the Bible leading to the birth of Jesus..... it makes
me see those Men/Women of Faith to be less than super heroes... I could
relate to all of them. They were humans too, as we are.... and yet God
found favor in them, used them for His glory, in service to men and His
purposes..... like I can be.
4. How can you and I become more of a people with hearts after God's own Heart?
4. How can you and I become more of a people with hearts after God's own Heart?
> By following closely the
teachings of Jesus. Having time spent in stillness with God, reading the
Bible, growing in spirit by interacting with fellow-Christians,
encouraging one another, in prayers, sharing.....a heart of gratitude
and humility, submitting yourself Holy and pleasing to God, for the
purpose He has chosen for us..... then can I become more and more "a
people with hearts after God's own Heart." .... A purpose-Driven life.
My Prayer:
Thank you, dear God for giving us Diane, to lead us into a closer walk with you. Thank you for your word that we have broken down into chewable portions for, us to digest and apply in our life. As we continue being teachable, Lord, we ask you to guide us in every way, lead us and be with us. In Jesus name, Amen.
IF you are reading this post and would like to read on the background discussion of every question, I suggest you go to Diane's blog, to our Thursday Morning Bible Study first lesson, and be enlightened. Thank you and please join us there every Thursday Morning.
The first, of course, is God ( in all persons). I believe He has chosen me for salvation and my name is written in the Book of Life. I am a vessel for His honor, a life cleaving upon the Vine, with His help and provisions...... someday, in His Time, I shall live in His house forever..... with cup to overflowing.
Second, my parents. Have you heard of the cliche, " a face only a Mother could love." That's me. Looking at my physical stature, I am far from vogue. I was nurtured and groomed by my parents, rather my Mom alone (my Dad died when I was a babe), therefore she did dote on me and delighted in me.
Third, my siblings (first blood), my cousins (second blood) and my aunts and uncles. Although some of these in my kin might have different motives in loving me, they would care what happens to me..... and could choose to love me as I am and would see me deeper inside of who I am.
Fourth, my husband. He is that handsome guy in the picture. I like showing off my tweaked photos. (I did that one with piZap). He fell in love with me and saw right inside my heart and character. He has stood by me, in all our ups and downs as a couple. He is the first one who would hit anyone who would say I am "A JUMBO or a Peggy." His name is Mike short for Michael. Isn't he cute?
Fifth, my children and grandchildren. After their dad/grandad, they would be the ones who will defend me from predators. (LOL)
Sixth, some church members, a handful of colleagues.
Seventh, (but not least).... my cyber COF lead by Diane, Pam, Martha, Betty and Veronica.
Thanks to you, all...... my blessings surely is overflowing.
Thanks to you, all...... my blessings surely is overflowing.
- Erma Bombeck
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world
possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that
a new world is born."
- Anais Nin
- Anais Nin
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I know why families were created with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed.
-- Anais Nin