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This is a link to :Illustra Media a home for exquisite documentaries, from which I found a beautiful presentation of the delicate stages of a butterflies' METAMORPHOSIS - a video of butterfly magic, coming out from a dot of an egg into a Caterpillar, next getting ready to die (inside the chrysalis), then you will see the division of cells-to the pupa and then transform into the thing of beauty and design.
Lovely quotes/review, I got from the Illustra Media introductory article:
"Metamorphosis is an unforgettable documentary
filled with the joys of discovery and wonder."
"How did these extraordinary creatures come into being? Are they the
products of a blind, undirected process? Or were they designed by an
intelligent cause?"
" From an
egg the size of a pinhead to a magnificent flying insect. It is a
transformation so incredible biologists have called it "butterfly magic."
In the video clip, one will read this line:
Within the chrysalis, "death is the pathway to life."
A butterflie's miraculous transformation is a beautiful analogy of our life being Christians....... we need to die in order to live. That is the reason why Jesus came to earth, became flesh, suffered, died, buried and then resurrected..... in order to give us life, an abundant life....... and the promise of an inheritance in Heaven.
Jesus emerged from the tomb, transformed into His heavenly incorruptible body, giving way to our own passage from death to life. I have a hope for resurrection too.
Jesus emerged from the tomb, transformed into His heavenly incorruptible body, giving way to our own passage from death to life. I have a hope for resurrection too.
To Diane:
I wish to give you the credits, and my gratitude, for thou hast ushered me into the Deep. I promised to myself that as soon as I got a longer time to spend, I would heed His calls unto the Deep, with your gentle guidance. Thank you for giving time to develop those wonderful Life Lessons-devotional.
Thank you also for the symbol you are using which is why I have linked to Metamorphosis. The beauty and wonder of the transformation and the stages the butterfly undergoes is so meaningful to our Christian existence, our walk with Jesus and our own transformation as we submit ourselves to the Maker's hands daily. Then shall we emerge into "the thing of beauty" God has designed us to be.
“What an achievement — artistically, scientifically, musically,
inspirationally! The film is a stunning and convincing case for
intelligent design.”
David F. Coppedge
Author & Lecturer
Diane's Quote:
"The butterfly was chosen as a symbol of the metamorphic transformation that God does in us as we renew our minds with The Word of God."
Author & Lecturer
Diane's Quote:
"The butterfly was chosen as a symbol of the metamorphic transformation that God does in us as we renew our minds with The Word of God."
My journal will proceed from this day onwards, in Christ's Jesus, my Master's Name and by His continuous blessings.