February 22, 2008


This picture depicts how Compassion International values FAMILY.
Biblical foundation: "As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15b (NIV)

This is only one among the Core Values of Leadership of Compassion International. Read more here

God is the founder and author of the Family. It is the basic unit of society. Without one a person is incomplete. All aspects of growth is based in family life. In order to become a responsible and mature individual you need to be loved and nurtured in a family atmosphere. But sad to say, children in countries ravaged by political conflict and war like Kenya have no chance at this privilege. Some even loose one or booth parents in such conflicts. Many of them go to sleep tired and hungry. They even have no choice at all. They are exposed to miserable lengths and unimaginable inhuman living conditions simply because they are in these parts of the world.

Another thing to take note is that, even if some families are not in situations like in Kenya or other politically unstable nations, children are caught in despair and hardship due to lack of education and poverty. They belong to a complete family, some a large family, but exposed to parental conflict everyday of their lives. As a result children are apt to go astray and turn to bad influences. A vague future is in store for them still.

But fellow believers, we have a choice...... make one today, become a part of any cause such as Compassion or other child help organizations. Be a sponsor of one child from any country of choice or be a voice to speak up for this
cause, or even a prayer partner. Pray for all children needing sponsors to find one for each today. Don't you love to see a smile that lights up a child's face?

Please don't hesitate, act today!

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Thanks for your company. I am glad you are here. Your encouraging word is appreciated. It brings joy like a cool breeze on a hot day. GBU!