When I went to visit Diane today, she has this beautiful picture of a place in the sun, so perfect to get away from the hassles of everyday life, a routine of home-office-home, all year long. How beautiful would it be to go to an island like the one I posted here. It is called Grand Cayman, which is part of the Caribbean Islands. It looks like a perfect hide-away, where my family could enjoy the sun, the miles of white beaches, the blue sea, the wind and the palms. There will be times that I could bury my nose in a book, then look out to sea and dream of the golden roads and pearly gates. Wouldn't it be all fun?
I live in a small island off Cebu Province in central Philippines. It is called Mactan Island. We used to go to the beaches which used to be uncultured. There were no hotels and you did not have anything to pay. One has just to find a shady spot, enjoy the views, swim, eat your packed meals, enjoy the company of family and friends until sundown.
Nowadays, one has to pay for entrance and the shacks where you find shade and a place to stack your effects. Some resorts doesn't allow you to bring food from outside or else you are charged corkage dues.
Our family had so much memories growing up along beaches, extended to the time I had my own kids. At present, we seldom go, but it is still something to look forward to with our grand kids.
Thank you, dear God, for how you have made a haven for us on earth to enjoy and put a very concrete image of your splendor as a Grand Designer. All those classy resorts and hotels pales in comparison to your Majesty. How I dream of walking along the beach with you like the famous song. Even your greatness, oh God, I could comprehend, all at how you have created this world, including us, your children, according to your image and likeness. Help us see your goodness and mercy, Father, just by sitting and looking out the sceneries you provided us. With which also, in the midst of all we have to undergo, in celebration or in sorrow, we can hope in what is to come, far greater than what we can see now. Amen!
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his
eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:19-21
"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson