March 14, 2012


Isaiah 25:1

[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Do you have the mind of an engineer, an economist, an accountant, a head of State, a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer and all the other branches of studies, all in one?  Which field would be the most emphasized?  Would their be peace, when all at once, everything you have stored in your brain, is being called to surface, in an emergency, or thinking about a divine structure, or the opening of a bud, the intricate layers of an onion, and so on and so forth?

That is why, I just sit here in my window seat, soaking in God's grand creation.  Am I not so blessed, all I need to do is enjoy it?

Thank you, dear God, that you still hold everything in  its appointed place, its designed purpose, the laws it is set to follow, and could still listen to my woes.  Even when I stare at the dawning of the day, Your faithfulness, Oh God is manifested.

Word:  Faithfulness