March 26, 2012


Best lesson in life for me?
When my Granny Loporlipitop Ellav taught me how to put my hands together and pray to God. ^_^

~Lovely morning dreh! :)

This is Denise Nicole.  She is my oldest grand child.  The message above was her status on March 10, 2012 and I was tagged with it.  (Thank you, my baby!)

I just want to post this so that whatever becomes of FB, I will have this in my blog.  I seldom visit FB.  I got it late unfortunately, but nevertheless precious.  Needless to say that I am very proud of her.

Denise is the sweetest grand daughter ever.  I practically raised her, being the first grand kid.  We dote on each other.  Whenever there  is something confusing that's bothering her, she comes to me for advice.  She laid her faith in Jesus when she was 5 and is now active in church.  She loves being a story teller to toddlers.

She is a junior at a Science High School funded by the Philippine government.  
Below are a few of Quest Community Fellowship activities Denise is so involved in.

This picture was taken during one of Quest Community Fellowship activities.  InsideOut is an environment designed for high school students.  They have a worship service and a lot of games and fun after.  This is scheduled two Sundays afternoon (second and 4th).

During a Georgia Inside-Out team visit. (Denise is wearing a pink cardigan).

This is a Waumba Land Environment activity-Pajama Party.  On microphone is Naumi and the lady in blue is Lissah.  They are among the leaders of the toddler group.  The children are gathered by groups while their parents attend worship service.  Waumba Land is divided into the Infants and Toddlers groups.  Upstreet is for Elementary aged group.  And Inside-Out is for high schoolers.


  1. Lolita-
    oh the pure JOY of children at play!

    God's blessing in the fullest!

    This was wonderful.

    BLess you. Martha

  2. Lolita, the best part of this post for me was the fact that your grandchild can come to you for advice when something's troubling her. I love that!

  3. Thank you, Martha and Veronica.

  4. Lolita, thank you for sharing your precious granddaughter with us. All God's blessings upon her life!

    I, too, love how she comes to you. And that she stated that you taught her to pray. The value of a Godly grandparent is unfathomable. Just your prayers alone for your grandchildren.

    When Joe's mom passed, that was my saddest thing to think that she wouldn't be here to pray for us anymore. I cherished her prayers for our family. She always said she had 10 children. She included her daughers-in-law and her grandchildren as her own.

    Thank you for sharing your family with us!

  5. I am grateful for your words, D. She is precious to me.

    I adore your Mother-in-law, Diane, as you have shared to us about her extravagant love, extending it to all of you. And you were able to accept and give your love in response to that love.

    One need not say a lot of words, for love, true love, could not thrive without giving.

    As a famous cliche says, "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving."

    Her legacy is love. And I know, that love begets love.

    Thank you, D.

  6. You wonderful ladies are so fun to read!

  7. And hearing this from the lady of fabulous humor in Shticks, this is a compliment.

    Thank you, V, for taking time to read us and calling us wonderful. You just don't realize how we appreciate and value your comments.

    Our blessings to the Shticks! (whisper: how does Daddy Anderson take to having his last name changed to Shticks?)

  8. LOL, love you guys!!!!


Thanks for your company. I am glad you are here. Your encouraging word is appreciated. It brings joy like a cool breeze on a hot day. GBU!